A Special Request
Pledge Drive Season Is Upon Us
Pledge Drive Season Is Upon Us
If the author is dead, why isn't the LLM?
When Disembodied Systems Want You to Move In my early 30s I came to realize I had lived through severe bouts of depersonalization growing up. As a child and a teenager, I never felt that my body was mine. I somehow never knew or trusted what my body looked like.
On NotebookLM, Fauxthority & Science Fiction 💡Design is storytelling meant to orient people to strange new tech by anchoring them in familiar terms. In that sense, it is a kind of science fiction. Whenever I talk positively about Gen AI, it means going very narrow, at the exclusion of a
Writing, Talks & Miscellanea A collection of writing, art and sounds I've worked on this year. Writing I've written quite a few pieces for Tech Policy Press this year. The Original Sin of Generative AI Should images of child abuse circulated online be commercialized? If we